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There are three particular corridors on the sub-levels of the school:

o1. a corridor littered with pictures on the wall, mostly of food.
o2. down a flight of stone steps into a broad stone corridor, brightly lit with torches.
o3. a corridor that leads to the Hufflepuff common room

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This large dungeon classroom is large enough to accomedate a double class which is about twenty cauldrons. Each station consists of two side cupboards and four stools each.

It is colder down here than the rest of the castle so be sure to dress warmly! There are even times when you can see your breath on the air usually in the winter time.

In one of the corners a large gargoyle sits pouring icy cold water into a basin and the walls are lined with rows upon rows of animals in jars, herbs and oddly shaped and colored potions. A blackboard sits at the front of the class along with the Professor's desk. A large wooden door off to the side that leads to the Professor's quarters.

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If you follow the narrow stone staircase leading from the Entrance Hall to the dungeons, the entrance to the Potion Master's office is halfway down the cold passageway leading from the foot of that staircase locating the office adjacent to the Potions classroom.

The walls of the store room, which are in shadow, are lined with glass jars, including the wall behind the Potion Master's desk. Each jar contains some potion (differently coloured in different jars) in which is suspended slimy bits of some animal or plant (different ones in different jars).

There is also cupboard in one corner containing the private stores of potion ingredients.

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This dungeon alone is one of the many within the underbelly of Hogwarts. Number five is used mainly by the advanced Potions students for making potions.

Other dungeons are even large enough to host parties such as Sir Nicholas' Deathday Party

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The Hogwarts kitchens are located directly below the Great Hall and are just the same size. They have high ceilings and a great brick fireplace at one end. Mounds of brass pots and pans are heaped around the walls. There are preparation tables directly below the four house tables in the Hall above, and when the time comes for the food to be served, it is magically transported through the ceiling of the kitchen onto the plates.

The kitchens are staffed by over a hundred house-elves. To get to the kitchens, take the door to the right of the main staircase in the entrance hall. Follow the corridor until you come to a painting of a bowl of fruit. Tickle the pear and it giggles and becomes a door handle

1 12 One of Those Nights
May 9, 2011 20:15:51 GMT -5
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These are the hallways leading to various areas underneath the castle. They lead to the kitchens, Slytherin commons as well as the Hufflepuff commons.

The walls are lined with pictures mostly of fruit and is brightly lit by torches

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As you enter the grand entry of this eccentric castle you see to the side a large almost chamber like doorway.

Descending down these stairs behind the door leads you to the underbelly of mazes which is the sub level of Hogwarts.

Dark torch-lit corridors twist and turn into rooms, crooks and a bundle of possible excitement just waiting to be revealed.
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